Meet Annette Sullivan!

If you live or frequent anywhere near Ocean Boulevard in Corona Del Mar in the early morning hours, you may catch Annette on a brisk morning walk or a run with a huge smile on her face! After her children were raised, Annette Sullivan felt the call of the ocean and moved from the capital of the Golden State to the golden beaches of Corona Del Mar and she couldn’t be happier!

When you first meet Annette, you can’t help but be inspired by her smile, her positive energy and her infectious laugh! But when you get to know her, you’ll discover that this laid-back girl is also a very successful businesswoman. Working in Business Development for Envista Forensics, she covers eight western states. And although her career and personal growth are very important to her, what’s most important to her is contribution and giving back to others! 

She says her desire to help others and her philanthropic heart were really bred within her by her parents’ example. Annette is one of six children, and even though both of her parents were extremely busy with work and raising she and her siblings, her parents always made it a priority to support the community and get involved with charities that were dear to their hearts.  

Although life in Corona Del Mar was wonderful, Annette says she was missing something. Enter Ann Cutner Firestone! One day when Annette was at a spin class, she found herself dreaming of a charitable organization to join. As her wonderful luck would have it, Annette was spinning away right next to Ann. Soon Ann began talking with Annette and invited her to an upcoming IG Kick Off event. Annette mentioned that she had been searching for the right charitable organization to join and although she was in her spin class for exercise, she jokingly says it was her heart that was spinning because it was longing for a group to join just like Impact Giving! Annette did attend the upcoming Kick Off event and from that day in her words, “I was sold!”

A few fun facts about Annette that are really impressive are that she has run four marathons and countless half marathons. Currently, in addition to regular spin classes, she swears by hot yoga!

When asked about her favorite things that she loves about Impact Giving, the Grant committees are a big thing for her, but she cannot say enough about “all of the lovely women”!   Annette is beautiful inside and out and when you do meet her, she will surely make you feel like you’ve known her for years!
