Frequently asked questions
None, all meetings are optional. We have two key events a year; our fall event which opens Grant Season and our Grant Awards event in May. During the year we offer quarterly opportunities called Impact Intros where we invite potential Partners to learn more about Impact Giving. We also have opportunities to get to know our grant recipients by visiting the organizations or hearing updated presentations about a global partner.
Of course, we are volunteer driven and we welcome every Partner’s involvement no matter how limited her time might be. Partners may choose to help on one project or to serve on a committee that meets only a few times a year. We have found that Partners who volunteer, even for brief periods during the year, become the enthusiastic Partner who truly understands the philosophy of collective giving and the impact it makes in the world.
Granting to nonprofit organizations is the heart and soul of Impact Giving. The opportunity to review the grant applications is exciting and educational. Partners become highly educated about how much need there is in the world and how our collective dollars make an impact.
You will review approximately six to eight grant applications prior to meeting with your committee (suggest budgeting 45 min to an hour per application).
The committees will typically meet two times between late January and early April. Each meeting takes about two - three hours.
Typically, each committee member will go on two site visits (with another committee member).
The total time commitment is about twenty hours.
At Impact Giving we refer to our members as “Partners.” As a Partner, one can nominate an organization to be eligible to apply, serve on a grant vetting committee and every Partner has a vote when it comes time to decide how our collective donations are granted. They are part of the process, part of the decision making, they are Partners.
Want to apply for a grant?
You must have an Impact Giving Partner who has agreed to sponsor your organization. They will contact you directly
Impact Giving will be accepting Grant Applications requesting funding from $10,000 to $40,000. Requested funds must be used within 1 year of the grant donation.
No. A strong application should have high impact and meet at least one of the five principles. For example, providing operating funds to a community organization may be a response to an urgent need, but not be a new innovative approach. This does not reduce its eligibility for funding. Sometimes the most viable need is operating support for an established organization or an innovative program; sometimes providing seed money to a new program will be the direction the committee chooses. Again, an organization should meet our standard of high impact and qualify within one or more of the stated principals.
No. We make grants to organizations for programming, capital and operating funds only.
We fund faith based organizations where the programs are available to the general public, broadly promoted and free from religious programming.
Yes. If your organization is a 501(c)(3) in the United States and operates out of the country, a site visit will be arranged electronically, and/or by phone. Live stream video, Zoom and other electronic applications may be used.
Yes. We welcome organizations to submit a Grant Application again. An organization is eligible to receive funds for up to two consecutive years, and then are asked to step out of the process for one year before reapplying.
Yes. It is mandatory that an active Impact Giving Partner sponsor your organization. Each Partner may sponsor one nonprofit per year, two if they serve on a grant committee.
No, we do not provide funds for redistribution. We grant directly to nonprofit organizations chosen by our Partners.
All organizations will be contacted in mid April by the Grant Chair to let them know if they have been selected this year as a Grant Finalist. Finalists will be notified if they will be a grant recipient in mid-May.
The Impact Giving Partners who will be sitting on Grant Committees and vetting the grant applications are required to attend this training. The training is for Impact Giving Partners only. Additionally, your sponsoring Partner is offered training, as it is beneficial for your organization to have a clear understanding of our grant making process.
No. You are limited to the word count on the application. Overage may disqualify your application. All grant applicants will receive a site visit at which time you can provide additional information and insight into your organization.
No. All applications must be submitted electronically to Grants@ImpactGivingNow.org by 6:00 p.m. (PST) on the deadline given.
If you have technical / formatting questions regarding the grant application or submission, please contact Kim.Fry@ImpactGivingNow.org. For general questions please contact our Grant Chair, Kathy Osann at Grants@ImpactGivingNow.org.
Whether dues or donations, Impact Giving accepts credit cards, checks, stocks, and donor advised fund contributions. We also do company matching.
Your support is so appreciated!
Please reach out to Finance@impactgivingnow.org with further questions. -
Impact Giving Partnership focuses on educating, empowering and engaging women.
However, men are welcome at our events and we graciously accept their donations but at this time they are not able to become a Partner and participate in the grant process. -
Whether you are a Partner or not, our events are open to all who are interested.