Marisa first joined Impact Giving in 2022 when she was looking for an organization where she could focus her charitable giving in a more valuable way and join a group of women who belong to a collective giving organization. She feels that her contributions go further and she has a say in where her contributions are going. She was also looking for a group of like-minded women who clearly have a passion for the greater good and to be part of a community where women bring their passions, talents and strengths together to make an impact on the world.

Marisa grew up in Villa Park and she now lives in South Orange County. Her father was an Irish immigrant and her mother was half Irish and half Italian. Her grand-dad was a professor at University College Cork and he was on the team who helped split the Atom, She is VERY connected to her Irish relatives and roots. Marisa is very much a “get it done” type of girl. In 1995, after graduating with an Associate’s Degree, Marisa really pulled up her boot straps and went back to college at night, while working full-time to get her Bachelor’s degree (with honors) from Chapman University in 1997. Currently, Marisa is a Senior Executive Recruiter for Teladoc Health.

And talk about passion, when you first meet Marisa you would probably never guess that she has gone sky-diving, not once, but twice!  When I asked her why she went sky-diving twice (isn’t one time scary enough?), she told me that she had to go twice because most people who try sky-diving only do it once. It might surprise many to learn that Marisa craves “alone time”, even though she calls herself an extrovert. A few other fun facts about Marisa are that she is extremely afraid of spiders and she absolutely dislikes bananas.

Regarding her philanthropic heart, she is very passionate about New Directions for Women. As an IG Partner, he has served on grant committees for two seasons and has volunteered with IG Grant applicant’s recipients. She has participated in Mock interviews with the Grant recipient, Hope Builders and she will be attending the upcoming open house for UPLIFT Youth Foundation.

Marisa is all about “paying it forward” and says that in addition to her “emotional bucket getting filled” by all of the good things that Impact Giving accomplishes, she cherishes the sincere and deep personal friendships that she has developed from the amazing Impact Giving Partners. She makes it a priority to go to as many Partner Connection and social events as possible, especially with new partners. 

If you have not met Marisa, look for her at the next event, introduce yourself and ask her if she plans to go sky-diving a third time…this will surely get a conversation started.


